I'll take a minute here to explain the basic fingering that you
should be using with the three note and four note chords taught
on this site. Correct chord fingering is important as it will allow
you to play chords easily as well as change between different chords
Your Hand

Shown above is the left hand with each finger numbered. Remember
the finger numbers as I will be using them in this section. The
right hand is similarly numbered.
Major and Minor Chord Fingering
Lets take the G major chord we learnt in the last section, it looks
like this.

G major
Left Hand
The simplest fingering for a three note chord such as this with
the left hand is 5-3-1, that is, pinky, middle finger and thumb.
The pinky would go on the G, the middle finger on the B and the
thumb on the D. This fingering can be used for all major and minor
chords on the keyboard regardless of whether they have black keys
or not.
Right Hand
The same fingering reversed can be used for playing this chord
with the right hand, 1-3-5. So in this case the thumb goes on G,
the middle finger on B and pinky on D.
Try working out and playing these chords and playing with either
hand to test out this fingering. You can play each hand separately
or play both hands together:
C Major
E Major - Notice that the fingering still works even though G#
is a black key.
G Minor - B flat is a black key in this chord.
A flat Minor - This is a tricky one, its notes are A flat, B and
E flat.
7th Chord Fingering
Remember from the common chords
section that 7th chords are four note chords, because of this we
cannot use the 5-3-1 or 1-3-5 fingering used to play major chords
otherwise we'd have no fingers left to play the top note!
Lets take the G7 chord for our analysis, it looks like this.

G7 Chord
Does this make sense? If not try going over the common
chords section again.
Left Hand
The fingering for this chord with the left hand is 5-3-2-1. Pinky
on G, middle finger on B, index finger on D and thumb on F. If
you have small hands this might be difficult to play.
Right Hand
The same fingering reversed can be used for the right hand, 1-2-3-5.
Thumb on G, index on B, middle on D and pinky on F#.
Try out this new fingering on the following four note chords -
These fingerings should work for all 4 note 7th chords on the keyboard.
In the advanced chords section
the major and minor 7th chords are explained and these fingerings
will work for those as well. Basically what you have just learnt
is that two basic fingerings will work for all major, minor, 7th,
major 7th and minor 7th chords! Too easy isn't it?
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